If you had only one opportunity to time travel, how would i use it?

If I had a chance to time travel, I want to travel to the future and I want to see an Equal society without any regional, societal, economic, developmental difference among the society. I want to see an Equal and vibrant and more educated society as never before.

I was always inspired by our freedom fighters, policymakers and educator and revolutionary like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Nehru and Ambedkar. In future, I want to be like an Ambedkar, with high education and fighting to remove the inequality in society, improve the development of marginalized communities and create gender equality.

As an educator and social changer, I want to work for equal, fair and quality education without any barriers like socio-economic, cultural and political situation. I will strive to provide quality and better education for the marginalized communities and made them conscious of their development.  As an educator, I want to serve the society with free education for all without any discrimination, I want to change the pedagogy, where I want to introduce the experiential and Peer learning rather rigid learning.

I want to provide better education for the women and remove the Gender inequality, teach the future society that education is not just about earning money but should also contribute back to the community and its development.

As an educator, I want to build the Schools like Rabindranath Tagore’s Shanthinikathan, where the pedagogy could be how to think rather what think, providing a required future skill for the Generations.

So I want to see society more developed without any divide and what to see an ideal society.


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